Monday, December 05, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database

This is not a coincidence! Similar to experiencing an 11:11 synchronicity, you have arrived at this website. There is a spiritual awakening going on RIGHT NOW and YOU are part of it! in5d is one of the internet's largest resources of information relating to spiritual awakening, meditationindigo children and adultsstarseedswalk-ins and other spiritual articles and videos that we are all curious about such as learning about soul groups, why we are here, where we came from and where we are going.
Maybe our spirit guides brought us together? Perhaps we are all part of one, big soul group?
One the bottom of each page, we have a live chat in which you can talk to your new spirit family! You can also surf from page to page on in5d and not lose track of any chat conversation :)
The Mayan calendar and December 21, 2012DoomsdayEnd of the WorldAscension? The Mayan calendar and its end date of December 21, 2012 have brought some people here as well. The bottom line to 2012 is to learn from the cycles of history. By the way, there is not one single 2012 prophecy that clearly states an apocalypse. Mayan prophecy and December 21 2012 does NOT represent theend of the world, nor is it a doomsday event, but it could well represent an end to time as we know it. Look around you, change is already happening! What is ahead of us? Only "time" will tell!
All of the links are Facebook friendly and you are always welcome to share any webpage on this website! If you have a blog or own a website, please link it to in5d.
Even if you don't blog or have a website, you can contribute to global consciousness and the awakening process by referring in5d to your friends!!
Also, you can help our website rankings by posting a full link to in5d on websites, forums, chat boxes, etc:

Thoughts, intentions and meditation

We are changing the world right now through thoughts and intentions as well as through meditation. The incoming energies will also help to eliminate everything that's wrong in this world and will help to facilitate a new era of consciousness and well-being. People are already discovering hidden abilities while others are developing new ones. This is why we incarnated here at this point in time, to be part of this process!

About Me

My name (in this incarnation) is Gregg Prescott (click my name to add in5d to facebook) and I began my spiritual journeythrough truth seeking with the perpetual asking of the question, "Why?"
As a child, my main questions centered around religion because even at a young age; it wasn't making sense to me. Specifically, the time line and the genetic diversity of everyone on this planet didn't add up. My parents are Christians and I was raised in the Methodist church, and while I completely respect anyone's religious denomination, I am agnostic. I completely believe in an all-loving Creator who brought us all together.
I have a B.A. in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Human Services. I wrote a patent-pending human services program designed to help families who are at-risk of dissolution (breaking up), for children who are going through the reunification process (e.g. Foster Homes, etc..), for helping at-risk youth and for parents in need of parenting classes. My program has been successfully implemented in a 3 county area in Florida. I'm also the author of 100+ Parenting Mistakes.
After watching The Secret, I received a galactic download of inspiration and was guided to build this website, along with, despite not knowing anything about how to build websites! My main motivation was to bring like-minded individuals together on a common platform.
Each week, I put in between 60-80+ hours on researching new material, writing new spiritual articles, making videos, moderating my forums, etc... in5d has become my main focus, although I am always looking to expand my human services program to other areas of the world. Basically, I'm here to help people in as many ways as possible!

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